Passing Frames: Photographic Memories by Tina Heiss

Passing Frames: Photographic Memories by Tina Heiss

December 12th, 2020
6–9 PM
Surf the Greats

One of the most exciting aspects of having our physical space in Toronto is the connections we have made over the years. As we come to the end of another great year of surfing, events and collaborations, we would like to invite you to end the year with a special celebration. We've had the pleasure of having German photographer and surfer Tina Heiss working with us for the past few months, and as she heads west on her Canadian journey we are showcasing some of her photographic memories in The Box. The work will be up until we close for the holidays on December 23rd. Check it out next time you are in the neighbourhood and join us on Thursday, December 12th from 6 to 9PM for a special farewell celebration.

  Tina Heiss


I fell in love with Photography in the Canary Islands where I lived for two and a half years and worked for a surf school. One day I got a waterhousing in my hands and started to take pictures from the water—I remember that day like I remember surfing my first wave…

Photography and surfing keep me traveling around the world. When I decided to spend one year with a Work and Travel Visa in Canada, I thought this year would be more about snowboarding then surfing. It turns out I was wrong!

I followed surfer and filmmaker Cyrus Sutton for quite a while on Instagram and just days before I arrived in Toronto, he announced the showing of some of his short films in Toronto — in a Surf Shop — at Surf the Greats. I couldn’t believe it, I thought that’s some kind of a joke… Why would there be a Surf Shop in Toronto!? Where would people go surfing?

After realizing the tickets were sold out, I knew my only chance was to try it in person at the shop. Long story short, I came for a ticket and left with a job. Just a few days later I met Cyrus Sutton in person and started working at the shop.

I had planned on staying in Toronto for just a few weeks before heading out west. But after receiving an invitation to join the Surf the Greats family for a few months, I decided to stay longer and couldn’t be any happier about it. 

Over the past few months, I met so many amazing people at the shop and out surfing on the Great Lakes. I also had the opportunity to shoot the surf scene here and at other places I travelled to, and this collection presents some photographic memories of my passing frames.