Join us for 'Lost & Found'—an art exhibition by Alli Boddy. “Lost and Found” is the follow up to Alli’s solo show titled “Where No One Will Find Us” exhibited earlier this year at Project Gallery Studios, and will be on display at Surf The Greats until January 15th. On the opening night, live acoustic set by Gold Complex. You can't miss it.
Taking the back roads instead of the highway. Paddling off the grid into the unknown. Views of your city from the lineup in the middle of January. "Lost and Found" celebrates what can be found when you give up control, break away from routine and seek new perspectives.
Alli Boddy is a visual artist from Toronto, Canada and received her BFA in Drawing and Painting from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 2012. Her paintings reflect the landscapes she explores and the people she explores them with. Inspired by her connection to nature, Alli’s recent work depicts the intersection of figure and landscape, and describes the lived experience. She uses a combination of “en plein air” and live figure, as well as personal photograph and video references. The result is a visual diary of personal narrative, expressed through different modes of painting.