Saturday, May 16, 5 PM EST
Our live online presentation and discussion will take place Saturday, May 16th at 5pm EDT. We will be joined by internationally acclaimed photographer Chris Burkard from his home in Pismo Beach, California. Chris was there when we first opened our shop three years ago and it is an honour to invite him back as we gradually re-open our doors. Chris is known for images that capture untamed and powerful landscapes while maintaining a sense of vulnerability and connection to the human condition. He has captured the imagination of millions and continues to amaze his audience with increasingly innovative and elaborate projects. Through a selection of his images, Chris will share the inspiration, vision, and execution behind his iconic photographic practice. The presentation and facilitated discussion will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with our international audience.
Chris Burkard is an accomplished explorer, photographer, creative director, speaker, and author. Traveling throughout the year to pursue the farthest expanses of Earth, Burkard works to capture stories that inspire humans to consider their relationship with nature, while promoting the preservation of wild places everywhere. Layered by outdoor, travel, adventure, surf, and lifestyle subjects, Burkard is known for images that are punctuated by untamed, powerful landscapes. Through social media Chris strives to share his vision of wild places with millions of people, and to inspire them to explore for themselves. At the age of 32, Burkard has established himself as a global presence and influencer. He is happiest with his wife Breanne raising their two sons Jeremiah and Forrest in his hometown of Pismo Beach, California.
Check out the recording of our live Zoom broadcast where Chris shared his story and provided exclusive insight into his creative process.
Please feel free to share with your friends and family and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.